It has been an interesting journey, but over the last two years I’ve gone from a total wine newbie to someone that knows the difference between viognier, sauvignon blanc, and chardonnay. Ever since my doctor recommended hinted that there might be health benefits, I’ve taken my obsessive personality and tracked and reviewed everything that I tried.
I had help along the way from Gary Vaynerchuk of the Wine Library. I watched over 500 episodes of his Wine Library TV. I learned something in every single one: trust my palate and try new wines.
So for the last two years, I haven’t repeated wines. Every bottle has been something that I haven’t tried yet. The hope was that I would find wines that I preferred. The result was that I enjoy trying new things more than a specifc winery or region or varietal.
So what made Gary Vaynerchuk right? He made a promise, backed it up, and delivered. And did it in a Web 2.0 way.
The result: I am willing to drive 2+ hours each way to go to the Wine Library to purchase wines. Don’t get me wrong, if I can find the wine around the corner, I go there. But part of the whole experience of Wine Library TV has created a loyalty to Gary.
Web 2.0 is not a quick fix. But if you are willing to spend the next two years to multiply your business revenues by tenfold, then Web 2.0 is something to embrace.