Early Adopters and Free Dessert

By checking in on Foursquare, we were doing exactly what Carrabba’s wanted us to do: share our loyalty and eating preferences with our network of friends. And the promise that Carrabba’s made to the community on Foursquare was simple: If you check in more than anyone else, you deserve dessert.

Follower Ratio on Twitter

Here is the thing about ratio. You want to have the ratio of followers (those who follow you) to those you follow as 1:1 or better. If you have 20 followers and you are following 10 people, your ratio is 2:1. New users to Twitter typically have the reverse – 10 followers and following 20 – 1:2. If you are trying to follow tons of people, Twitter “stops” you at 2000 people (a ton) that you can follow. So once you follow 2000 people, you will need to have 2000 people following you before you can follow more people.

Thank You TicketLeap

I’ve been using TicketLeap for my events for over a year now and I’ve been very happy. It doesn’t matter whether your event is for 5 or 5,000 people and there are no ongoing monthly fees. They are an Internet company, but located locally in Philadelphia, founded by a couple of Wharton graduates. So if you are having an event, give them a try.

Implementing @ Anywhere

Sometimes code behaves. If you have a website or blog, go ahead and implement @Anywhere to connect Twitter with your site. I’ll be trying a few of the features where appropriate, but the basic hovercard functionality is worth the effort.