Twitter as your Blog?

Thinking back to my audio interview with Lisa Dilg (@pprlisa), she talked about how Twitter was like her blog. What would she say that she hadn’t already posted on Twitter?

And she has a good point.

For businesses that are short on time, perhaps focusing on conversations on Twitter is more valuable than developing readership on a company blog.


But of course, there is a downside.


Twitter is about the moment, the “right now.” In three months, Twitter posts have lost their power and relevance. And Twitter posts don’t help significantly with search engine optimization.


So take a step forward. Rather than Twitter replacing the blog, let Twitter inspire the blog.

If you are short on words for your blog, here is something to try:

  1. Go to and search for your Twitter ID or keyword.
  2. Browse through the list and click some of the “Show Conversation” links.
  3. If you are inspired, pick the key Twitter post, take a screen capture, and post to your blog.

Do you already do this? Share some comments and links. And thanks to @coreyfreeman, @DanteExplorer and @darkolives for the conversation.