
This economy is making people crazy.

After five years of dedicated service to World Wide Web Communications, I was laid off on December 5th, 2008. (Just in time for the holiday season!) Crazy because I was the visible voice in the community. (Perhaps that was the wrong message?)

So far my friends and colleagues have been extremely supportive, which is testament to the concept of building your network before you need it.

It is time to reboot my career and start the next chapter. Wish me luck!

(P.S. If you know a web development company that needs someone like me, let me know!)

4 thoughts on “Reboot

  1. I don’t know what’s worse…my job where we had five weeks advance notice that we’d lose 10% of our workforce or yours where you were laid off without warning.

    Funny WWWC story…10 years ago I was a fledgling web designer looking for work. (Self taught…went to school for Radio/TV. Which got me far. But I digress.) I applied at WWWC and had a telephone interview with RS where he offered me a job. As his secretary.

    I politely declined and got my job at the Courier-Post later that year.

    You will land on your feet stronger than ever. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later, though.

  2. I don’t know what’s worse…my job where we had five weeks advance notice that we’d lose 10% of our workforce or yours where you were laid off without warning.

    Funny WWWC story…10 years ago I was a fledgling web designer looking for work. (Self taught…went to school for Radio/TV. Which got me far. But I digress.) I applied at WWWC and had a telephone interview with RS where he offered me a job. As his secretary.

    I politely declined and got my job at the Courier-Post later that year.

    You will land on your feet stronger than ever. Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later, though.

  3. Howard,
    Let me be the latest in line to offer my support. Just now figured this out. Very sorry to hear it. I am wishing you all well. I don’t know of anything to offer, but will keep my ear to the ground.

    You’re far too good to stay on the sidelines for long.


  4. Howard,
    Let me be the latest in line to offer my support. Just now figured this out. Very sorry to hear it. I am wishing you all well. I don’t know of anything to offer, but will keep my ear to the ground.

    You’re far too good to stay on the sidelines for long.


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