Just wanted to let you all know that an article of mine appears on the Organize IT blog: Home Office Reboot One of my radical ideas is the having an office without…
Tag: GTD
Merlin Mann and the Hipster PDA
I’m a very big fan of Merlin Mann of 43folders, especially for his writings and talks about David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) system as well as Merlin’s Inbox Zero methodology. But…
Dream of an Empty Inbox
How many messages are in your email inbox right now? Seriously, I have seen too many people become completely overwhelmed by the onslaught of email. Just because it is digital doesn’t give…
Close your email program
Don’t get me wrong, email is a fantastic communication tool and I wish that everyone used email. But too often I see email as a constant distraction. Think about this…You have Outlook…
Get Action from your Email
If you’ve been around email long enough, you have certainly experienced the misunderstandings that email can sometimes cause. But to go even further, how do you make sure that your emails will…
David Allen offers free advice for getting email under control
Get it while it’s hot… Getting Email Under Control It is a free PDF download, although it requires registration with Davidco.com.
Camera Phone as To-Do List
Ubiquitous capture, please meet Steve Rubel’s article: Use Your Cameraphone as a Visual To Do List Simple, and you probably already have the camera phone. I’ve been using this technique with my…