Once Adobe took ownership of Dreamweaver, I knew that this day would come.
I’ve known you since you were called GoLive CyberStudio.
I remember when Adobe bought you and GoLive 4.0 was released. You were such a special application and I officially moved away from NetObjects Fusion to author all of my sites with you. I even beta tested new features for Adobe for a while.
No one did templates and components and site organization like you did. You fit so well with my obsessive habits and made so many things fast and easy.
But the future was to be not quite so rosy for you.
Years passed, others caught up and lapped you, and Dreamweaver was so popular with so many developers. And you just didn’t evolve.
Now, you are officially a software orphan. Today is a sad day and I’ve shed my final tear for you.
But I will not submit to the evil Dreamweaver! I will use my text editor once again!